Cuti Cuti Malaysia

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Do you wish to feel fresh sea breeze firsthand and listen to the gentle ocean waves lapping on the beach?

Have plan to share the magical moment with your loved ones when the sun sets over the South East Asia ocean?

This scene located just around the corner of my house.

Everyday is “Cuti-Cuti Malaysia.” 🙂

2 Komen

Filed under Just Pictures

2 responses to “Cuti Cuti Malaysia

  1. zatil

    hi umik

    got across ur blog when reading for ‘the red kebaya’…

    hmmm…. a really nice place for a vacation

    can u help me telling where is this place????

    really need to break out n enjoy the sea breeze……

    thanks ya 😛

  2. Zatil, thanks for visiting my site.

    I’m a bit of cuti-cuti Malaysia now. That’s why I posted the picture. As I mentioned b4, it is located just a few blocks from my house. Besides playground, the developer also provides the seaside walk and a gazebo near the beach. Just few days back, one of my neighbour held their wedding reception there.(Garden Wedding concept ala Datuk Siti, only that CT’s wedding was held in Dewan)

    I’m in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. There’s many resorts from 1* to 5* to enjoy the sea breeze here. If you are in Peninsular Malaysia, I think the choice is yours then. I’ve only been to PD, Langkawi and Pulau Kapas in Terengganu. The sea breeze is just the same. It’s only a matter of enjoying yourself.


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